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摘要: Beep币扑“Plan B”第六期:2020加密市场—Kyle,你怎么看?

主题:What to expect from crypto market in 2020? Kyle,你怎么看?


分享嘉宾:Kyle Samani,Multicoin Capital联合创始人


拷问团:陈威廉,社区KOL;巴韭特,巴韭特社区主理人;Timmy Yang,独立投资人

Plan B:Beep重磅打造的一档原生大V对话区块链大咖的线上AMA节目


1月17日中午12点,Multicoin Capital的联合创始人,Kyle Samani将做客Beep币扑Plan B第六期———What to expect from crypto market in 2020? Kyle,你怎么看?

Multicoin是一家理论驱动的加密基金,投资重塑全球经济所有领域的代币和公司。自2017年创立以来,Multicoin Capital凭借着其前瞻性和独到的眼光,投资了Bakkt、Dfinity、Dfuse、Solona等优质项目。

问题一:您能简单介绍下自己和Multicoin Captial吗?

Could you please make a brief introduction of yourself and Multicoin Capital?

答:Multicoin Capital是一家专注于加密货币的投资公司。奥斯汀,纽约市,洛杉矶和北京都有我们的工作人员。公司通过对冲基金和风险基金两种模式管理超过1亿美元的资金:。


Multicoin Capital is an investment firm based in Austin, New York City, Los Angeles, and Beijing that invests exclusively in crypto. The firm manages more than $100M across two vehicles: a hedge fund and a venture fund.

I’m a cofounder and Managing Partner at Multicoin. I spend most of my time focused on investments, both in public and private markets.



I discovered Ethereum in early 2016, and that’s what pulled me into crypto. Given my background in finance and technology, I became fascinated with smart contracts, and became convinced they were going to be one of the most important technologies of our lifetime. Over the course of 2016, I spent an increasing percentage of my time in crypto, until I realized I couldn’t think about anything else. Ultimately, Tushar and I decided to launch Multicoin in May of 2017, and the fund went live on October 1, 2017.


It seems like a wise choice now. But was there any voice that ever made you hesitate to devoted into the crypto industry?


Yes… literally everyone. Probably 90% of my friends and family thought it was a very bad idea to launch a crypto fund. No one thought it would work

问题三: Multicoin投资的项目,真的都是行业内很优质的。这是怎么做到的呢?有什么挑选优质项目的策略嘛?Multicoin会更关注什么方向吗?

Multicoin’s portfolio is really impressing. The projects you invest always have real great performance. What’s the trick in it? What’s the strategy to pick a good project? And which directions Multicoin Capital would prefer?



There’s no trick. And our hit rate is not 100%.

We just spend all of our time reading, learning, and understanding what’s going on. We do our best to leverage that to figure out where things are going, and we make investment accordingly. Sometimes we’re right, sometimes we’re wrong.

**问题四: 我注意到multicoin capital目前投的项目中,只有SKALE是layer2相关的。所以关于扩容方案,layer2,plasma,layer0,或其他解决方案,你更看好哪一种?你们在2019预测中提到闪电网络不会像大家期望中的那么流行,你现在还这样想吗? **

Among the portfolio of Multicoin Capital, I found the only layer 2 project, SKALE. So when it comes to scaling, layer 2, plasma, layer 0, or what else solution excites you the most? You guys’ve mentioned in the 2019 prediction that LN won’t be as popular as expected, you still hold that opinion?




In terms of layer 2 scaling solutions, we are most excited about Skale. They are the pre-eminent team building in the space, and they’re about to launch in the very near future with some exciting launch partners.

In terms of lightning, we are trying to figure out how it can scale, and we are not yet convinced that it can. However, there are a lot of smart people working on it, and we continue to monitor the lightning ecosystem to look for unique investment opportunities.

Today, the financial system is one in which there is not a notion of channels. Today, anyone can move money between all participants at any time. Money is not encumbered. In the Lightning vision, money is encumbered in channels. I find it very hard to believe that the financial system will transition from one of no encumbrance to one based on encumbrance.


So what makes Skale different from other layer2 project? Do you mind to ellobrate it a little?


1)这将是第一个重要的第2层网络发布。 非常非常接近发布时间了。



SKALE has a few major differentiators.

  • It’s going to be the first major layer 2 launch. It’s very very close.
  • Skale uses BLS roll up technology, which is even better than the recent optimistic roll up technology.
  • The Skale team is not just launching scaling technology, but the entire product suite and integrations to make it work seamlessly in the ethereum ecosystem.
  • 问题五: 我们来聊一聊2020年的市场吧。比特币减半很快就要到了,BSV近几天的暴涨好像瞬间焕活了市场。我还注意到,你1月5日在twitter上连发了17条比特币减半相关的推文。所以,关于2020年市场行情,你怎么看呢?

    Let’s talk about the crypto market of 2020. As is known to us all, the bitcoin halving is on its way. Especially with BSV’s big pump theses days, the whole market seem to come alive all of a sudden. Besides, You seemed to have a lot to share since I found that you consistently posted 17 twitters to share your opinions on Bitcoin halving on Jan, 5th. How would you think the market will go in 2020?

    答:We are excited for the halvening and what it means for Bitcoin (less selling pressure)!

    In general, I think we are going to hit peak Bitcoin maximalism this year, and that interest and excitement will return to high qualty alt coins.我们对减半及其对比特币的意义(降低售卖压力)而感到兴奋!总的来说,我们认为比特币今年会达到峰值,并且这种兴奋和兴趣会引发山寨币的高潮。


    People are talking about the market will go up before the halving and won’t change much or even drop during the halving and then drop even more after the halving, then the real big bull will come in 2021. do you believe this theory?




    There are lots of theories out there. Anything can happen!We spend our time examining the data to understand what’s going on in the market, and position the portfolio accordingly.

    There are 5-10 solid theories about how the price will react going into and coming out of the halvening. However, it’s very difficult to tell which theory is actually playing out without deep analysis of the data.

    We dont’ have any real opinions about what will happen. We are just looking at the data


    I find that very interesting. A pic from twitter highlight some turnings on bitcoin price these days, which coincides with the specific timing related to U.S. and Iran issue. How do you see the connection between bitcoin price and tension among U.S. and Iran?


    There is a very small amount of data suggesting a causal, positive correlation between geopolitical instability (e.g. Iran) and Bitcoin. However, it’s not enough data to make any definitive conclusions. I am not an expert in these issues, so I just examine the data available. And we just don’t yet have enough data to make any strong conclusions.


    Just a few days ago, CME tops Bakkt’s reported bitcoin options volumes in one day by $2.19M vs. $1.15M. What do you think about that as the investor of Bakkt? How do you think about the future of crypto derivatives market?

    答:200万美元和100万美元的金额其实很小,而且交易所很新,我们无法现在就下定论。不过好处是,竞争的发生正在推动市场前进。披露:Multicoin Capital投资于Bakkt

    $2M and $1M USD are such small numbers, and the exchanges are so new, that it’s not really possible to draw any conclusions yet. The good thing is that there is competition, which is driving the market forwards.

    Disclosure: Multicoin Capital is invested in Bakkt.


    How do you see ETH 2.0? What is the far-reaching impact of ETH2.0 on the both Defi and the entire crypto industry?



    The only thing we really know about Ethereum 2.0 is that it won’t be usable for applications anytime soon. Beyond that, it’s hard to render any specific judgements because there are too many variables that are still undetermined.

    In terms of the impact on DeFi, the thing that I’m most concerned about is composability and network effects. For example, let’s consider Uniswap. In Uniswap, there are strong benefits to having all the liquidity in a single pool in a single shard. However, if Uniswap pools exist on each shard, then the liquidity is broken. If there is one Uniswap pool on 1 shard, then the primarily scaling benefit of sharding is removed as Uniswap only has the throughput of a single shard.

    问题十:有人说:“2018 年是稳定币,2019 年是 DeFi,2020 年是 “加密银行” 把二者合起来做成产品。”你怎么看这句话?Multicoin接下来的一年会关注什么方向呢?

    Someone said “If 2018 was the year of stablecoins, and 2019 was the year of DeFi I think that 2020 will be the year of “Crypto-banks” building consumer and institutional products that utilize both.” Do you have any thoughts on that? What will be Multicoin’s 2020 focus?



