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  • 1、工程车英语是什么?
  • 2、世界顶级十大豪华房车
  • 3、回忆的英文是什么?



Engineering vehicle

mobile machinery shop




A system of data acquisition and control for engineering vehicle simulator based on VB



Development of powered water-washing engineering vehicle for electrified railways



TWC system of Teheran Metro Line 1 2 Project


世界顶级十大豪华房车有:Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo、Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus、2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP、2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach、Country Coach Prevost、Newmar King Aire、Monaco Dynasty 45P、UNICAT Amerigo International、Country Coach Magna 630、Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ。

1、Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo

Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo是世界上最贵的房车,车内布置胜过所有豪华五星级酒店,配备套房浴室


2、Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus

Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus 车顶层居然是施华洛世奇水晶做成,车内卧室、厨房、洗手间等房屋设施一应俱全,还能放下一辆跑车,简直是移动的车库。

3、2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP

2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP这款车外部全部采用精密的复合材料做成,既明亮又极具抗压能力。车内采用“一厨一房”设计,配备飞行员桌椅、热循环加热系统、缓解失眠床垫等高端设备。

4、2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach

2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach 房车的底盘模拟飞机打造,能通过毛地板、地板、墙壁和屋顶分散震动,既舒适又安全,而且转向系统和安全巡航避撞系统避免天气不好带来的行驶上的不便。

5、Country Coach Prevost

Country Coach Prevost是专为那些喜欢驾车在城市和城镇间穿梭的人士打造,车内灯光明亮,富丽堂皇,但相比于前面几款车,空间不算非常大。

6、Newmar King Aire

Newmar King Aire这款房车有着600马力ISX涡轮增压柴油引擎以及定制的斯巴达K3底盘支持,是世界顶级的好车。

7、Monaco Dynasty 45P

600马力全新路霸底盘的引擎是Monaco Dynasty 45P这款房车的最大特点,车内构造同样精美绝伦,中央系统控制的排柜、LED吸顶灯、瓷质地板都能在这看到。

8、UNICAT Amerigo International

UNICAT Amerigo International 这款车可以说是长途旅行的神器,可以一直不停的从东海岸开到西海岸,因为它配置了太阳能电池板和足够支撑2000英里的汽油箱。

9、Country Coach Magna 630

Country Coach Magna 630由1米长双层巴士改造,加之配备600马力的康明斯发动机,内车采用土色调,低调而奢华。

10、Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ

Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ车内装饰得宛如一个高级公寓:杉木地板上摆设真皮沙发,良好的隔音系统让您安静享受独处时光,娱乐设施完备,还有衣帽间。


回忆的英文是 Memory


举个例子吧 如果你想以快乐做为英文名 那就是Happy了 同时你又姓"孙" 英文名就变成 happy sun 了 外国人听了吓也吓死了

一篇关于回忆初中生活的英语作文 90字左右

Today is Wednesday. About 150 students and teachers of Grade 9 went to visit Shanghai Museum. At first, we visited some potteries on the first floor. They were both colorful and beautiful. Some were big , others were extremely *** all. We took a lot of photos there. Then we went to see some Chinese calligraphy. There were a lot of writings of all dynasties. They were so good that we were interested in them and also took photos. Finally, we left with pleasure. What a nice day it is! (自己再改一下吧,毕竟我不是你班的,也不知道你班的事情。



whenever I look back the time, I will easily think of my grandmom, someone who is always with a *** ile on her face, tender like the water. I had been living with my grandmom from 3 to 12 years old. In my memory,grandmom would get up very early,mostly before darkbreak, and then started to make breadfast for me, woke me up and dressed me. She always did these in a slow but ordered step. When I did something wrong, grandmom never shouted at me,in fact she never shouted at anyone, but held my hands in her hands and told me some strories or her experience to let me recognize what I did wrong. I did miss that past time.关于回忆小时候和祖母的时光。

自己写的,有问题直说~ 你看看,要翻译的话可以跟我说。


















*** 响了,我只是呆坐在座位上,什么也没做,静静地等待着那素未蒙面的新老师走上讲台。








看着老师布置的作业,那如小山般的作业又不知要何时才做得完…… 初中的生活更应该是快乐无比的。

上体育课时,同学们一反其他课的常态,开开心心地痛玩着,脸上再也找不到紧绷的神情了,看看他们多快乐,想说什么就说什么,自由自在,多好啊! 当然快乐并不只局限与此,在上课时学习到了从前没有看见过的知识,不也是一种快乐吗?在老师的提点同学的帮助下,攻克了一道道难题,不更是种快乐吗! 初中的生活虽然没有小学轻松,但是却能得到更多知识,这样才是最完美的,不是吗? 比的快乐。



I went to the Great Wall with my friends last summer. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. We walked on the wall for about o hours. We took lots of photos. Then we met a group of foreigners. They let us to help them take photos. We were really glad to help them. We also took photos with them and talked with them in English. We told them the history of the Great Wall. They were very surprised because we could speak English so well.


I went to the Great Wall with my friends last summer. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. We walked on the wall for about o hours. We took lots of photos. Then we met a group of foreigners. They let us to help them take photos. We were really glad to help them. We also took photos with them and talked with them in English. We told them the history of the Great Wall. They were very surprised because we could speak English so well. We felt very happy that day. What an unfetble exerience!

跪求一篇英语作文 ( 我的美好回忆)200字

A: my memories Blue sky, pleasant; clear spring, pleasing to the ear; the genial wind, fortable; the green trees, very be good to hear or see...... Perhaps you already accustomed to the beautiful scene of this magnificent, so ask you this wonderful collection -- when you're down, the beautiful memories, the front will be full of hope.Lost to recall the beautiful pictures. When you from the stars shining to intense darkness without light, when you from a wealthy person into one's pocket is empty., when you go from young to old,...... Please do not lonely and depressed. Remember those geous and brought to light, recall ever charity to receive the recognition and praise, look back once graceful but not showy, quiet and gentle, you'll find out, talk about the good is what a wise choice. The gloomy sky, grief, lament to plain, will disappear in *** oke in the beautiful memories, you will regain confidence, in the past glory of learn to strong, to rekindle the fire of hope; you will have the courage to face life's ups and downs, see the sun and sky.Have a great memory, means to have a new life. It will make you lose and sad, still maintained a confident and optimistic attitude, raised a new sail, embarked on a journey. "The storm, this pain, wipe the tears", as you will see, front is the successful other shore.With a good memory, does not mean that the fond dream even indulge in wishful thinking, we're going to look back the past according to their actual, must not aim too high, do not do that kind of "ridiculously overrating one's own strength". Memories bring a beautiful dream, this requires that we go to effort, struggle unremittingly, need to sweat sway and hard work, you will be in the land to harvest their own fruit.Friends, in the beautiful memories to meet tomorrow, picked up the inner sword, fighting courageously in difficulties and hardships, beat a wonderful life, stroke magnificent life; in the beautiful memories to the front, with the mentality of sunshine, fear of suffering, fear of words, calmly and quietly walked down......B: my memories I once had a happy and wonderful day in my grandparents home.Spring, the grass out buds, spit verdancy. The willow is also out of the bud. I can partner together and go fly a kite. Sometimes I have to go digging bamboo shoots and mom and dad.Summer when, see the lovely *** all fish in the water can also be. My panions and I often go there to swim, catch fish. Summer evening, we often sat at the door to eat dinner. At night, you can sit outside the cool night, although many mosquitoes, but the wind is very fortable. Sometimes we can go to the mountains to pick wild fruit, the fruit is delicious and sweet. Sometimes, I will be friends and play together.In autumn, the field a harvest scene. You see, the golden rice looked from the air like large chunks of gold. Orchard fruit multipolar, you see, apple and laugh......In winter, as long as the snow, no matter is greatly is *** all, I and several *** all partners to make a snowman, snowball fights......This is I am in the country I live, and this is my memory.






