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首批参与Liquid的成员涵盖了全球知名交易所、OTC服务商等数字货币行业内的23家公司,具体包括:Altonomy、Atlantic Financial、Bitbank、Bitfinex、Bitmax、BitMEX、Bitso、BTCBOX、BTSE、Buull Exchange、DGroup、Coinone、Crypto Garage、GOPAX(由Streami运营)、Korbit、L2B Global、OKCoin、The Rock Trading、SIX Digital Exchange、Unocoin、Xapo、XBTO以及Zaif。


· Liquid原生的Liquid比特币(L-BTC)资产由双向固定比特币(BTC)支持,随时可以提现,使得终端用户可以在成员之间快速安全地进行比特币转账,两分钟内即可完成全部清算。



Liquid主要面向哪些用户?快速清结算和隐私保护是讲解实现的?与其他的侧链项目又有什么区别? Blockstream首席战略官缪永权(Samson Mow)向进一步友们了这些问题,为访谈全文:


Can you tell us more about the main use cases of Liquid? What are your target audience?

Samson:The main use case for the Liquid Network is fast and reliable settlement times. If you trade Bitcoin, then you can do it more effectively with Liquid. Blocks on the Liquid blockchain are signed instead of mined, so they are generated at a predictable rate of 1 per minute. That takes the uncertainty out of Bitcoin transfers which are subject to variation in block times – sometimes you can get a confirmation in a few minutes, sometimes an hour. Liquid will allow traders to move funds between each other as well as exchanges far more rapidly.



What are the differences and advantages of Liquid compared to other sidechains?

Samson:The two other sidechain projects that I know of are RSK and Drivechains. Both seem to still be in testing or beta stages, with Drivechains at a much more experimental stage. RSK uses Ethereum’s EVM so it will likely have the same issues with smart contract security that Etheruem has. Liquid is production ready and is built on top of the battle tested Bitcoin codebase.

我所知道的两个侧链项目是RSK和Drivechains,这两个项目应该都还在测试或者beta阶段,而 Drivechains还处在更加试验性的阶段。RSK使用以太坊的EVM,所以RSK很有可能也会像以太坊那样出现智能合约安全问题。Liquid已经转备好进入生产阶段了,并且Liquid是建立在经过考验的比特币代码库之上的。


When it comes to the use cases in exchanges, what features will be enabled for the exchanges that have join the Liquid Network? Will they be charged for these features? What are the changes in user experience for ordinary users?

Samson:Exchanges and members of the Liquid network will keep a balance of L-BTC and provide functionality for their users to swap between BTC and L-BTC. At first, exchanges may facilitate inter-exchange transfers using L-BTC without having to expose their users to actually handling L-BTC, which simplifies the experience for ordinary users. For example, a user on Exchange A would generate a Liquid address on that exchange, and withdraw to that address from Exchange B. Exchange B would deduct from the users’ BTC balance and send L-BTC to Exchange A, who would credit that user with BTC. So from an end user’s point of view, they just withdraw to a special address

for near instant Bitcoin transfers.


The Liquid Network collects transaction fees from sending and receiving L-BTC, but these fees pay for pegging out L-BTC back to the Bitcoin blockchain.


8btc:针对发行资产这个功能,比如发行法币代币,与现有的各类稳定币相比有什么差别或优势? 用Liquid发行资产有哪些适合的场景和用户?

Compared to the existing and stable currencies, what are the differences or advantages of Issued Assets, such as fiat tokens? Who or under what circumstances should one consider issuing assets with Liquid?

Samson:You could issue a stablecoin on Liquid using the Issued Asset functionality! There are major benefits to issuing assets on Liquid compared to other platforms. Tokens in Liquid are native to its blockchain, whereas tokens in say Ethereuem, are created through a complicated smart contract with security risk. Also, the Liquid Network is solely used for financial transactions and settlement, so you don’t have to deal with garbage data being added to the blockchain which can cause congestion – we see that happening on Etheruem which can be clogged up easily by digital kitties.



Liquid is a federated chain developed by Blockstream. What are the requirements for a user to join the network?

Samson:In general we look for reliable and reputable companies to join Liquid. Liquid is a federation, so end users would access it through member exchanges and institutions. For the current federation members, we have some of the largest exchanges in the world like OKCoin, BitMEX, and Bitfinex, along with major OTC desks like DGroup, and leading market makers like XBTO and Altonomy. We also have several companies that joined Liquid to take advantage of our Issued Assets functionality – Atlantic Financial and SIX Digital Exchange (this exchange is launched by the owner of Switzerland’s stock exchange) are very keen to focus on token issuance and digital assets.

总的来说,我们希望可靠的信誉好的公司加入Liquid。Liquid是一个联合组织,终端用户通过成员交易所和机构来使用Liquid。目前这个联合组织拥有世界上最大的几家交易所,比如OKCoin、BitMEX以及Bitfinex,此外还有Dgroup等大型OTC交易台以及XBTO和Altonomy等世界领先的造市商。还有几家公司加入是为了使用我们的已发行资产功能——Atlantic Financial以及SIX Digital Exchange(这家交易所由Switzerland的证券交易所创立)都对代币发行及数字资产非常感兴趣。


How does Liquid achieve confidential transactions?

Samson:Confidential Transactions is a privacy technology created by Blockstream that blinds the amounts of all UTXOs, while preserving public verifiability that no transaction creates or destroys coins. It’s accomplished creating commitments where data is concatenated with a blinding factor (random number) and then hashed with the SHA256 hash function. As Liquid is a new blockchain, we could include functionality for Confidential Transactions – we also have Confidential Assets which adds privacy to Issued Assets within Liquid.



What are the profit models of Blockstream? Will Liquid become one of the means of profit in the future?

Samson:Blockstream has a revenue share from the Cryptocurrency Data Feed which we developed in partnership with ICE (the owner of the New York Stock Exchange). In terms of Liquid, Blockstream will collect a monthly maintenance fee from Liquid members, and we plan to offer additional services on top of Liquid which we can monetize, such as improved tools for managing and issuing digital assets.




